Source code for

General functions.
import ctypes
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import stat
import subprocess
import sys
from configparser import ConfigParser
from datetime import datetime
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from smtplib import SMTP

from .google_api import GMail

except NameError:
    PermissionError = OSError  # for Python 2.7
    FileExistsError = OSError

logger = logging.getLogger(__package__)

_readers = []

[docs]def checksum(file, algorithm='sha256', chunk_size=65536, shake_length=256): """Get the checksum of a file. A checksum is a sequence of numbers and letters that act as a fingerprint for a file against which later comparisons can be made to detect errors or changes in the file. It can be used to verify the integrity of the data. Parameters ---------- file : :term:`path-like <path-like object>` or :term:`file <file object>` object A file to get the checksum of. algorithm : :class:`str`, optional The hash algorithm to use to compute the checksum. See :mod:`hashlib` for more details. chunk_size : :class:`int`, optional The number of bytes to read at a time from the file. It is useful to tweak this parameter when reading a large file to improve performance. shake_length : :class:`int`, optional The digest length to use for the ``SHAKE`` algorithm. See :meth:`hashlib.shake.hexdigest` for more details. Returns ------- :class:`str` The checksum containing only hexadecimal digits. """ def read(fp): # read in chucks in case the file size is too large # to load it into RAM all at once while True: data = if not data: break hash_cls.update(data) hash_cls = try: with open(file, mode='rb') as f: read(f) except TypeError: if not hasattr(file, 'tell'): raise position = file.tell() read(file) try: return hash_cls.hexdigest() except TypeError: return hash_cls.hexdigest(shake_length)
[docs]def copy(source, destination, overwrite=False, include_metadata=True): """Copy a file. Parameters ---------- source : :term:`path-like object` The path to a file to copy. destination : :term:`path-like object` A directory to copy the file to or a full path (i.e., includes the basename). If the directory does not exist then it, and all intermediate directories, will be created. overwrite : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to overwrite the `destination` file if it already exists. If `destination` already exists and `overwrite` is :data:`False` then a :exc:`FileExistsError` is raised. include_metadata : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to also copy information such as the file permissions, the latest access time and latest modification time with the file. Returns ------- :class:`str` The path to where the file was copied. """ if os.path.isdir(destination) or is_dir_accessible(destination): destination = os.path.join(destination, os.path.basename(source)) else: # TODO include the exist_ok kwarg to makedirs # when dropping support for Python 2.7 try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(destination)) except OSError: pass if not overwrite and (os.path.isfile(destination) or is_file_readable(destination)): raise FileExistsError('Will not overwrite {!r}'.format(destination)) # TODO include the follow_symlinks kwarg to copyfile and copystat # (and to this "copy" function) when dropping support for Python 2.7 shutil.copyfile(source, destination) if include_metadata: shutil.copystat(source, destination) return destination
[docs]def is_admin(): """Check if the current process is being run as an administrator. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether the current process is being run as an administrator. """ try: return ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() == 1 except AttributeError: try: return os.geteuid() == 0 except AttributeError: return False
[docs]def is_dir_accessible(path, strict=False): """Check if a directory exists and is accessible. An accessible directory is one that the user has permission to access. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`str` The directory to check. strict : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to raise the exception (if one occurs). Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether the directory exists and is accessible. """ cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(path) except: if strict: raise return False else: os.chdir(cwd) return True
[docs]def is_file_readable(file, strict=False): """Check if a file exists and is readable. Parameters ---------- file : :class:`str` The file to check. strict : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to raise the exception (if one occurs). Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether the file exists and is readable. """ try: with open(file, mode='rb'): return True except: if strict: raise return False
[docs]def register(reader_class): """Use as a decorator to register a :class:`` subclass. See :ref:`io-create-reader` for an example on how to use @register decorator. Parameters ---------- reader_class : :class:`` A :class:`` subclass. Returns ------- :class:`` The :class:``. """ def append(cls): _readers.append(cls) logger.debug('registered %r', cls) return cls return append(reader_class)
[docs]def send_email(config, recipients, sender=None, subject=None, body=None): """Send an email. Parameters ---------- config A :term:`path-like object` or :term:`file-like object` of an INI-style configuration file that contains information on how to send an email. There are two ways to send an email -- Gmail API or SMTP server. An example INI file to use the Gmail API is the following (see :class:`` for more details). Although all key-value pairs are optional, a ``[gmail]`` section must exist to use the Gmail API. .. code-block:: ini [gmail] account = work [default: None] credentials = path/to/client_secrets.json [default: None] scopes = [default: None] domain = [default: None] An example INI file for an SMTP server is the following. Only the `host` and `port` key-value pairs are required. .. code-block:: ini [smtp] host = hostname or IP address of the SMTP server port = port number to connect to on the SMTP server starttls = true|yes|1|on -or- false|no|0|off [default: false] username = the username to authenticate with [default: None] password = the password for username [default: None] domain = [default: None] .. warning:: Since this information is specified in plain text in the configuration file, you should set the file permissions provided by your operating system to ensure that your authentication credentials are safe. recipients : :class:`str` or :class:`list` of :class:`str` The email address(es) of the recipient(s). Can omit the ```` part if a ``domain`` key is specified in the `config` file. Can be the value ``'me'`` if sending an email to yourself via Gmail. sender : :class:`str`, optional The email address of the sender. Can omit the ```` part if a ``domain`` key is specified in the `config` file. If not specified then it equals the value of the first `recipient` if using SMTP or the value ``'me'`` if using Gmail. subject : :class:`str`, optional The text to include in the subject field. body : :class:`str`, optional The text to include in the body of the email. The text can be enclosed in ``<html></html>`` tags to use HTML elements to format the message. """ cfg = _prepare_email(config, recipients, sender) if cfg['type'] == 'smtp': server = SMTP(host=cfg['host'], port=cfg['port']) if cfg['starttls']: server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.ehlo() if cfg['username'] and cfg['password']: server.login(cfg['username'], cfg['password']) msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = cfg['from'] msg['To'] = ', '.join(cfg['to']) msg['Subject'] = subject or '(no subject)' text = body or '' subtype = 'html' if text.startswith('<html>') else 'plain' msg.attach(MIMEText(text, subtype)) server.sendmail(cfg['from'], cfg['to'], msg.as_string()) server.quit() else: with GMail(account=cfg['account'], credentials=cfg['credentials'], scopes=cfg['scopes']) as gmail: gmail.send(cfg['to'], sender=cfg['from'], subject=subject, body=body)
def _prepare_email(config, recipients, sender): """Loads a configuration file to prepare for sending an email. Returns a dict. """ if hasattr(config, 'read'): contents = else: with open(config, mode='rt') as fp: contents = if isinstance(contents, bytes): contents = contents.decode('utf-8') cp = ConfigParser() cp.read_string(contents) has_smtp = cp.has_section('smtp') has_gmail = cp.has_section('gmail') if has_smtp and has_gmail: raise ValueError("Cannot specify both a 'gmail' and 'smtp' section") if not (has_smtp or has_gmail): raise ValueError("Must create either a 'gmail' or 'smtp' section") section = cp['gmail'] if has_gmail else cp['smtp'] domain = section.get('domain') if domain and not domain.startswith('@'): domain = '@' + domain if isinstance(recipients, str): recipients = [recipients] for i in range(len(recipients)): if domain and '@' not in recipients[i] and \ (has_smtp or (has_gmail and recipients[i] != 'me')): recipients[i] += domain if not sender: if has_gmail: sender = 'me' else: sender = recipients[0] elif domain and ('@' not in sender) and \ (has_smtp or (has_gmail and sender != 'me')): sender += domain cfg = {'type':, 'to': recipients, 'from': sender} if has_smtp: host, port = section.get('host'), section.getint('port') if not (host and port): raise ValueError("Must specify the 'host' and 'port' of the SMTP server") username, password = section.get('username'), section.get('password') if username and not password: raise ValueError("Must specify the 'password' since a " "'username' is specified") elif password and not username: raise ValueError("Must specify the 'username' since a " "'password' is specified") cfg.update({ 'host': host, 'port': port, 'starttls': section.getboolean('starttls'), 'username': username, 'password': password, }) else: scopes = section.get('scopes') cfg.update({ 'account': section.get('account'), 'credentials': section.get('credentials'), 'scopes': scopes.split() if scopes else None }) return cfg
[docs]def get_basename(obj): """Get the :func:`~os.path.basename` of a file. Parameters ---------- obj : :term:`path-like <path-like object>` or :term:`file-like <file object>` The object to get the :func:`~os.path.basename` of. If the object does not support the :func:`~os.path.basename` function then the :attr:`__name__ <definition.__name__>` of the `obj` is returned. Returns ------- :class:`str` The basename of `obj`. """ try: return os.path.basename(obj) except (TypeError, AttributeError): try: return os.path.basename( except AttributeError: return obj.__class__.__name__
[docs]def git_head(directory): """Get information about the ``HEAD`` of a repository. This function requires that `git <>`_ is installed and that it is available on ``PATH``. Parameters ---------- directory : :class:`str` A directory that is under version control. Returns ------- :class:`dict` or :data:`None` Information about the most recent commit on the current branch. If `directory` is not a directory that is under version control then returns :data:`None`. """ cmd = ['git', 'show', '-s', '--format=%H %ct', 'HEAD'] try: out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=directory, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return None sha, timestamp = out.split() return { 'hash': sha.decode('ascii'), 'datetime': datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timestamp)) }
[docs]def remove_write_permissions(path): """Remove all write permissions of a file. On Windows, this function will set the file attribute to be read only. On linux and macOS, write permission is removed for the User, Group and Others. The read and execute permissions are preserved. Parameters ---------- path : :term:`path-like object` The path to remove the write permissions of. """ current_permissions = stat.S_IMODE(os.lstat(path).st_mode) disable_writing = ~stat.S_IWUSR & ~stat.S_IWGRP & ~stat.S_IWOTH os.chmod(path, current_permissions & disable_writing)
[docs]def run_as_admin(args=None, executable=None, cwd=None, capture_stderr=False, blocking=True, show=False, **kwargs): """Run a process as an administrator and return its output. Parameters ---------- args : :class:`str` or :class:`list` of :class:`str`, optional A sequence of program arguments or else a single string. Providing a sequence of arguments is generally preferred, as it allows the module to take care of any required escaping and quoting of arguments (e.g., to permit spaces in file names). executable : :class:`str`, optional The executable to pass the `args` to. cwd : :class:`str`, optional The working directory for the elevated process. capture_stderr : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to send the stderr stream to stdout. blocking : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to wait for the process to finish before returning to the calling program. show : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to show the elevated console (Windows only). If :data:`True` then the stdout stream of the process is not captured. kwargs If the current process already has admin privileges or if the operating system is not Windows then all additional keyword arguments are passed to :func:`~subprocess.check_output`. Otherwise, only a `timeout` keyword argument is used (Windows). Returns ------- :class:`bytes`, :class:`int` or :class:`~subprocess.Popen` The returned object depends on whether the process is executed in blocking or non-blocking mode. If blocking then :class:`bytes` are returned (the stdout stream of the process). If non-blocking, then the returned object will either be the :class:`~subprocess.Popen` instance that is running the process (POSIX) or an :class:`int` which is the process ID (Windows). Examples -------- .. invisible-code-block: pycon >>> SKIP_RUN_AS_ADMIN() Import the modules >>> import sys >>> from import run_as_admin Run a shell script >>> run_as_admin(['./', '--message', 'hello world']) Run a Python script >>> run_as_admin([sys.executable, '', '--verbose'], cwd='D:\\\\My Scripts') Create a service in the Windows registry and in the Service Control Manager database >>> run_as_admin(['sc', 'create', 'MyLogger', 'binPath=', 'C:\\\\logger.exe', 'start=', 'auto']) """ if not args and not executable: raise ValueError('Must specify the args and/or an executable') stderr = subprocess.STDOUT if capture_stderr else None process = subprocess.check_output if blocking else subprocess.Popen if is_admin(): return process(args, executable=executable, cwd=cwd, stderr=stderr, **kwargs) if cwd is None: cwd = os.getcwd() if != 'nt': if not args: command = ['sudo', executable] elif isinstance(args, str): exe = executable or '' command = 'sudo {} {}'.format(exe, args) else: exe = [executable] if executable else [] command = ['sudo'] + exe + list(args) return process(command, cwd=cwd, stderr=stderr, **kwargs) # Windows is more complicated if args is None: args = '' if not isinstance(args, str): args = subprocess.list2cmdline(args) if executable is None: executable = '' else: executable = subprocess.list2cmdline([executable]) # the 'runas' verb starts in C:\WINDOWS\system32 cd = subprocess.list2cmdline(['cd', '/d', cwd, '&&']) # check if a Python environment needs to be activated activate = '' if executable == sys.executable or args.startswith(sys.executable): conda = os.getenv('CONDA_PREFIX') # conda venv = os.getenv('VIRTUAL_ENV') # venv if conda: env = os.getenv('CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV') assert env, 'CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV environment variable does not exist' if env == 'base': bat = os.path.join(conda, 'Scripts', 'activate.bat') else: bat = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(conda, os.pardir, os.pardir, 'Scripts', 'activate.bat')) assert os.path.isfile(bat), 'Cannot find {!r}'.format(bat) activate = subprocess.list2cmdline([bat, env, '&&']) elif venv: bat = os.path.join(venv, 'Scripts', 'activate.bat') assert os.path.isfile(bat), 'Cannot find {!r}'.format(bat) activate = subprocess.list2cmdline([bat, '&&']) # redirect stdout (stderr) to a file redirect = '' stdout_file = '' if not show: import uuid import tempfile stdout_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), str(uuid.uuid4())) r = ['>', stdout_file] if capture_stderr: r.append('2>&1') redirect = subprocess.list2cmdline(r) if'\d$', args): # this number is also considered as a file handle, so add a space redirect = ' ' + redirect # the string that is passed to cmd.exe params = '/S /C "{cd} {activate} {executable} {args}"{redirect}'.format( cd=cd, activate=activate, executable=executable, args=args, redirect=redirect) from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD, ULONG, HWND, LPCWSTR, INT, HINSTANCE, HKEY, HANDLE class ShellExecuteInfoW(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('cbSize', DWORD), ('fMask', ULONG), ('hwnd', HWND), ('lpVerb', LPCWSTR), ('lpFile', LPCWSTR), ('lpParameters', LPCWSTR), ('lpDirectory', LPCWSTR), ('nShow', INT), ('hInstApp', HINSTANCE), ('lpIDList', ctypes.c_void_p), ('lpClass', LPCWSTR), ('hkeyClass', HKEY), ('dwHotKey', DWORD), ('hIcon', HANDLE), ('hProcess', HANDLE)] sei = ShellExecuteInfoW() sei.fMask = 0x00000040 | 0x00008000 # SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS | SEE_MASK_NO_CONSOLE sei.lpVerb = kwargs.get('verb', u'runas') # change the verb when running the tests sei.lpFile = u'cmd.exe' sei.lpParameters = params sei.lpDirectory = u'{}'.format(cwd) if cwd else None sei.nShow = int(show) sei.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(sei) if not ctypes.windll.Shell32.ShellExecuteExW(ctypes.byref(sei)): raise ctypes.WinError() if not blocking: return sei.hProcess kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32 timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', -1) # INFINITE = -1 milliseconds = int(timeout * 1e3) if timeout > 0 else timeout ret = kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(sei.hProcess, milliseconds) if ret == 0: # WAIT_OBJECT_0 stdout = b'' if stdout_file and os.path.isfile(stdout_file): with open(stdout_file, mode='rb') as fp: stdout = os.remove(stdout_file) code = DWORD() if not kernel32.GetExitCodeProcess(sei.hProcess, ctypes.byref(code)): raise ctypes.WinError() if code.value != 0: msg = ctypes.FormatError(code.value) out_str = stdout.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').rstrip() if show: msg += '\nSet show=False to capture the stdout stream.' else: if not capture_stderr: msg += '\nSet capture_stderr=True to see if ' \ 'more information is available.' if out_str: msg += '\n{}'.format(out_str) raise ctypes.WinError(code=code.value, descr=msg) kernel32.CloseHandle(sei.hProcess) return stdout if ret == 0xFFFFFFFF: # WAIT_FAILED raise ctypes.WinError() if ret == 0x00000080: # WAIT_ABANDONED msg = 'The specified object is a mutex object that was not ' \ 'released by the thread that owned the mutex object before ' \ 'the owning thread terminated. Ownership of the mutex ' \ 'object is granted to the calling thread and the mutex state ' \ 'is set to non-signaled. If the mutex was protecting persistent ' \ 'state information, you should check it for consistency.' elif ret == 0x00000102: # WAIT_TIMEOUT msg = "The timeout interval elapsed after {} second(s) and the " \ "object's state is non-signaled.".format(timeout) else: msg = 'Unknown return value 0x{:x}'.format(ret) raise WindowsError('WaitForSingleObject: ' + msg)