MSL-IO API Documentation

The following functions are available to read a file

read(file, **kwargs)

Read a file that has a Reader implemented.

read_table(file, **kwargs)

Read data in a table format from a file.

ExcelReader(file, **kwargs)

Read an Excel spreadsheet (.xls and .xlsx).

GSheetsReader(file, **kwargs)

Read a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

the following classes are available as Writers


Create a HDF5 writer.


Create a JSON writer.

and general helper functions

checksum(file[, algorithm, chunk_size, ...])

Get the checksum of a file.

copy(source, destination[, overwrite, ...])

Copy a file.


Get information about the HEAD of a repository.


Check if the current process is being run as an administrator.

is_dir_accessible(path[, strict])

Check if a directory exists and is accessible.

is_file_readable(file[, strict])

Check if a file exists and is readable.


Remove all write permissions of a file.

run_as_admin([args, executable, cwd, ...])

Run a process as an administrator and return its output.

search(folder[, pattern, levels, ...])

Search for files starting from a root folder.

send_email(config, recipients[, sender, ...])

Send an email.

Package Structure