
The following Readers are available:

Create a New Reader

When adding a new Reader class to the repository the following steps should be performed. Please follow the style guide.


If you do not want to upload the new Reader class to the repository then you only need to write the code found in Step 2 to use your Reader in your own program. Once you import your module in your code your Reader will be available from the read() function.

  1. Create a fork of the repository.

  2. Create a new Reader by following this template and save it to the msl/io/readers/ directory.

    # import the necessary MSL-IO objects
    from import register, Reader
    # register your Reader so that Python knows that your Reader exists
    class AnExampleReader(Reader):
        """Name your class to be whatever you want, i.e., change AnExampleReader"""
        def can_read(file, **kwargs):
            """This method answers the following question:
            Given a path-like object (e.g., a string, bytes or os.PathLike object)
            that represents the location of a file or a file-like object (e.g., a
            stream, socket or in-memory buffer) can your Reader read this file?
            You must perform all the necessary checks that *uniquely* answers this
            question. For example, checking that the file extension is ".csv" is
            not unique enough.
            The optional kwargs can be passed in via the method.
            This method must return a boolean: True (can read) or False (cannot read)
            return boolean
        def read(self, **kwargs):
            """This method reads the data file(s).
            Your Reader class is a Root object. The optional kwargs can be
            passed in via the method.
            The data file to read is available at self.file
            To add metadata to Root use self.add_metadata()
            To create a Group in Root use self.create_group()
            To create a Dataset in Root use self.create_dataset()
            This method should not return anything.
  3. Import your Reader in the msl/io/readers/ module.

  4. Add an example data file to the tests/samples directory and add a test case to the tests/ directory to make sure that your Reader is returned by calling the read() function using your example data file as the input and that the information in the returned object is correct. Run the tests using python tests (ideally you would run the tests for all currently-supported versions of Python, see also

  5. Create a new<name of your module from Step 2>.rst file in docs/_api. Follow the template that is used for the other .rst files in this directory.

  6. Add the new Reader, alphabetically, to the .. toctree:: in docs/readers.rst. Follow the template that is used for the other Readers.

  7. Add yourself to AUTHORS.rst and add a note in CHANGES.rst that you created this new Reader. These files are located in the root directory of the MSL-IO package.

  8. Build the documentation running python docs (view the documentation by opening the docs/_build/html/index.html file).

  9. If running the tests pass and building the documentation show no errors/warnings then create a pull request.