
A Group is analogous to a directory for an operating system. A Group can contain any number of sub-Groups (i.e., sub-directories) and it can contain any number of Datasets. It uses a naming convention analogous to UNIX file systems where every sub-directory is separated from its parent directory by the '/' character.

From a Python perspective, a Group operates like a dict. The keys are the names of Group members, and the values are the members themselves (Group or Dataset objects).

>>> print(root.tree())
 <JSONWriter 'example.json' (3 groups, 1 datasets, 0 metadata)>
   <Group '/a' (2 groups, 1 datasets, 0 metadata)>
     <Group '/a/b' (1 groups, 1 datasets, 0 metadata)>
       <Group '/a/b/c' (0 groups, 1 datasets, 0 metadata)>
         <Dataset '/a/b/c/dset' shape=(100,) dtype='<f8' (0 metadata)>

A Group can be in read-only mode, but can also be set to editable mode

>>> b.create_dataset('dset_b', data=[1, 2, 3, 4])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Cannot modify <Group '/a/b' (1 groups, 1 datasets, 0 metadata)>. It is accessed in read-only mode.
>>> b.read_only = False
>>> b.create_dataset('dset_b', data=[1, 2, 3, 4])
<Dataset '/a/b/dset_b' shape=(4,) dtype='<f8' (0 metadata)>

The keys of a Group can also be accessed as class attributes

>>> root['a']['b']['c']['dset']
<Dataset '/a/b/c/dset' shape=(100,) dtype='<f8' (0 metadata)>
>>> root.a.b.c.dset
<Dataset '/a/b/c/dset' shape=(100,) dtype='<f8' (0 metadata)>

See Accessing Keys as Class Attributes for more information.

You can navigate through the tree by considering a Group to be an ancestor or descendant of other Groups

>>> for ancestor in c.ancestors():
...    print(ancestor)
 <Group '/a/b' (1 groups, 2 datasets, 0 metadata)>
 <Group '/a' (2 groups, 2 datasets, 0 metadata)>
 <JSONWriter 'example.json' (3 groups, 2 datasets, 0 metadata)>
>>> for descendant in b.descendants():
...    print(descendant)
 <Group '/a/b/c' (0 groups, 1 datasets, 0 metadata)>