Source code for

Read and write data files.
import re
from collections import namedtuple

from .base import Reader
from .base import Root
from .base import Writer
from .google_api import GCellType
from .google_api import GDateTimeOption
from .google_api import GDrive
from .google_api import GMail
from .google_api import GSheets
from .google_api import GValueOption
from .readers import ExcelReader
from .readers import GSheetsReader
from .tables import extension_delimiter_map
from .tables import read_table_excel
from .tables import read_table_gsheets
from .tables import read_table_text
from .utils import _readers
from .utils import checksum
from .utils import copy
from .utils import git_head
from .utils import is_admin
from .utils import is_dir_accessible
from .utils import is_file_readable
from .utils import logger
from .utils import register
from .utils import remove_write_permissions
from .utils import run_as_admin
from .utils import search
from .utils import send_email
from .writers import HDF5Writer
from .writers import JSONWriter

__author__ = 'Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand'
__copyright__ = '\xa9 2018 - 2023, ' + __author__
__version__ = '0.2.0.dev0'

_v ='(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)[.-]?(.*)', __version__).groups()

version_info = namedtuple('version_info', 'major minor micro releaselevel')(int(_v[0]), int(_v[1]), int(_v[2]), _v[3])
""":obj:`~collections.namedtuple`: Contains the version information as a (major, minor, micro, releaselevel) tuple."""

[docs]def read(file, **kwargs): """Read a file that has a :ref:`Reader <io-readers>` implemented. Parameters ---------- file : :term:`path-like <path-like object>` or :term:`file-like <file object>` The file to read. For example, it could be a :class:`str` representing a file system path or a stream. **kwargs All keyword arguments are passed to the :meth:`Reader.can_read() <>` and :meth:` <>` methods. Returns ------- :class:`` The data from the file. Raises ------ OSError If no :class:`` exists to be able to read the specified file. """ if hasattr(file, 'as_posix'): # a pathlib.Path object file = str(file) if hasattr(file, 'read') or is_file_readable(file, strict=True): logger.debug('finding Reader for %r', file) for r in _readers: logger.debug('checking %s', r.__name__) try: can_read = r.can_read(file, **kwargs) except Exception as e: logger.debug('%s: %s [%s]', e.__class__.__name__, e, r.__name__) continue if can_read: logger.debug('reading file with %s', r.__name__) root = r(file)**kwargs) root.read_only = True return root raise OSError('No Reader exists to read {!r}'.format(file))
[docs]def read_table(file, **kwargs): """Read data in a table format from a file. A *table* has the following properties: 1. The first row is a header. 2. All rows have the same number of columns. 3. All data values in a column have the same data type. Parameters ---------- file : :term:`path-like <path-like object>` or :term:`file-like <file object>` The file to read. For example, it could be a :class:`str` representing a file system path or a stream. If `file` is a Google Sheets spreadsheet then `file` must end with ``.gsheet`` even if the ID of the spreadsheet is specified. **kwargs If the file is an Excel spreadsheet then the keyword arguments are passed to :func:``. If a Google Sheets spreadsheet then the keyword arguments are passed to :func:``. Otherwise, all keyword arguments are passed to :func:``. Returns ------- :class:`` The table as a :class:``. The header is included as metadata. """ extn = Reader.get_extension(file).lower() if extn.startswith('.xls'): return read_table_excel(file, **kwargs) elif extn == '.gsheet': if hasattr(file, 'as_posix'): # a pathlib.Path object file = str(file) elif hasattr(file, 'name'): # a TextIOWrapper object file = return read_table_gsheets(file[:-7], **kwargs) # ignore the extension else: return read_table_text(file, **kwargs)