Source code for

Generic class for spreadsheets.
import re
import string

_cell_regex = re.compile(r'^([A-Z]+)(\d*)$')

[docs]class Spreadsheet(object): def __init__(self, file): """Generic class for spreadsheets. Parameters ---------- file : :class:`str` The location of the spreadsheet on a local hard drive or on a network. """ self._file = file @property def file(self): """:class:`str`: The location of the spreadsheet on a local hard drive or on a network.""" return self._file
[docs] def read(self, cell=None, sheet=None, as_datetime=True): """Read values from the spreadsheet. Parameters ---------- cell : :class:`str`, optional The cell(s) to read. For example, ``C9`` will return a single value and ``C9:G20`` will return all values in the specified range. If not specified then returns all values in the specified `sheet`. sheet : :class:`str`, optional The name of the sheet to read the value(s) from. If there is only one sheet in the spreadsheet then you do not need to specify the name of the sheet. as_datetime : :class:`bool`, optional Whether dates should be returned as :class:`~datetime.datetime` or :class:`` objects. If :data:`False` then dates are returned as a string. Returns ------- The value(s) of the requested cell(s). """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def sheet_names(self): """Get the names of all sheets in the spreadsheet. Returns ------- :class:`tuple` of :class:`str` The names of all sheets. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def to_letters(index): """Convert a column index to column letters. Parameters ---------- index : :class:`int` The column index (zero based). Returns ------- :class:`str` The corresponding spreadsheet column letter(s). Examples -------- .. invisible-code-block: pycon >>> from import Spreadsheet >>> to_letters = Spreadsheet.to_letters >>> to_letters(0) 'A' >>> to_letters(1) 'B' >>> to_letters(26) 'AA' >>> to_letters(702) 'AAA' >>> to_letters(494264) 'ABCDE' """ letters = [] uppercase = string.ascii_uppercase while index >= 0: div, mod = divmod(index, 26) letters.append(uppercase[mod]) index = div - 1 return ''.join(letters[::-1])
[docs] @staticmethod def to_indices(cell): """Convert a string representation of a cell to row and column indices. Parameters ---------- cell : :class:`str` The cell. Can be letters only (a column) or letters and a number (a column and a row). Returns ------- :class:`tuple` The (row_index, column_index). If `cell` does not contain a row number then the row index is :data:`None`. The row and column index are zero based. Examples -------- .. invisible-code-block: pycon >>> from import Spreadsheet >>> to_indices = Spreadsheet.to_indices >>> to_indices('A') (None, 0) >>> to_indices('A1') (0, 0) >>> to_indices('AA10') (9, 26) >>> to_indices('AAA111') (110, 702) >>> to_indices('MSL123456') (123455, 9293) >>> to_indices('BIPM') (None, 41664) """ match = _cell_regex.match(cell) if not match: raise ValueError('Invalid cell {!r}'.format(cell)) letters, numbers = match.groups() row = max(0, int(numbers) - 1) if numbers else None uppercase = string.ascii_uppercase col = sum( (26**i) * (1+uppercase.index(c)) for i, c in enumerate(letters[::-1]) ) return row, col-1
[docs] @staticmethod def to_slices(cells, row_step=None, column_step=None): """Convert a range of cells to slices of row and column indices. Parameters ---------- cells : :class:`str` The cells. Can be letters only (a column) or letters and a number (a column and a row). row_step : :class:`int`, optional The step-by value for the row slice. column_step : :class:`int`, optional The step-by value for the column slice. Returns ------- :class:`slice` The row slice. :class:`slice` The column slice. Examples -------- .. invisible-code-block: pycon >>> from import Spreadsheet >>> to_slices = Spreadsheet.to_slices >>> to_slices('A:A') (slice(0, None, None), slice(0, 1, None)) >>> to_slices('A:H') (slice(0, None, None), slice(0, 8, None)) >>> to_slices('B2:M10') (slice(1, 10, None), slice(1, 13, None)) >>> to_slices('A5:M100', row_step=2, column_step=4) (slice(4, 100, 2), slice(0, 13, 4)) """ split = cells.split(':') if len(split) != 2: raise ValueError('Invalid cell range {!r}'.format(cells)) r1, c1 = Spreadsheet.to_indices(split[0]) r2, c2 = Spreadsheet.to_indices(split[1]) if r1 is None: r1 = 0 if r2 is not None: r2 += 1 if c2 is not None: c2 += 1 return slice(r1, r2, row_step), slice(c1, c2, column_step)