Source code for

A :class:`Group` can contain sub-:class:`Group`\\s and/or :class:``\\s.
import re

from .dataset import Dataset
from .dataset_logging import DatasetLogging
from .vertex import Vertex

[docs]class Group(Vertex): def __init__(self, name, parent, read_only, **metadata): """A :class:`Group` can contain sub-:class:`Group`\\s and/or :class:``\\s. Do not instantiate directly. Create a new :class:`Group` using :meth:``. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` The name of this :class:`Group`. Uses a naming convention analogous to UNIX file systems where each :class:`` can be thought of as a directory and where every subdirectory is separated from its parent directory by the ``'/'`` character. parent : :class:`Group` The parent :class:`Group` to this :class:`Group`. read_only : :class:`bool` Whether the :class:`Group` is to be accessed in read-only mode. **metadata Key-value pairs that are used to create the :class:`` for this :class:`Group`. """ super(Group, self).__init__(name, parent, read_only, **metadata) def __repr__(self): g = len(list(self.groups())) d = len(list(self.datasets())) m = len(self.metadata) return '<Group {!r} ({} groups, {} datasets, {} metadata)>'.format(self._name, g, d, m) def __getitem__(self, item): if item and not item[0] == '/': item = '/' + item try: return self._mapping[item] except KeyError: pass # raise a more detailed error message below self._raise_key_error(item) def __getattr__(self, item): try: return self.__getitem__('/' + item) except KeyError as e: msg = str(e) raise AttributeError(msg) def __delattr__(self, item): try: return self.__delitem__('/' + item) except KeyError as e: msg = str(e) raise AttributeError(msg)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_dataset(obj): """Test whether an object is a :class:``. Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`object` The object to test. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether `obj` is an instance of :class:``. """ return isinstance(obj, Dataset)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_dataset_logging(obj): """Test whether an object is a :class:``. Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`object` The object to test. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether `obj` is an instance of :class:``. """ return isinstance(obj, DatasetLogging)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_group(obj): """Test whether an object is a :class:``. Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`object` The object to test. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether `obj` is an instance of :class:``. """ return isinstance(obj, Group)
[docs] def datasets(self, exclude=None, include=None, flags=0): """Get the :class:``\\s in this :class:`Group`. Parameters ---------- exclude : :class:`str`, optional A regex pattern to use to exclude :class:``\\s. The :func:`` function is used to compare the `exclude` regex pattern with the `name` of each :class:``. If there is a match, the :class:`` is not yielded. include : :class:`str`, optional A regex pattern to use to include :class:``\\s. The :func:`` function is used to compare the `include` regex pattern with the `name` of each :class:``. If there is a match, the :class:`` is yielded. flags : :class:`int`, optional Regex flags that are passed to :func:`re.compile`. Yields ------ :class:`` The filtered :class:``\\s based on the `exclude` and `include` regex patterns. The `exclude` pattern has more precedence than the `include` pattern if there is a conflict. """ e = False if exclude is None else re.compile(exclude, flags=flags) i = False if include is None else re.compile(include, flags=flags) for obj in self._mapping.values(): if self.is_dataset(obj): if e and continue if i and not continue yield obj
[docs] def groups(self, exclude=None, include=None, flags=0): """Get the sub-:class:`.Group`\\s of this :class:`.Group`. Parameters ---------- exclude : :class:`str`, optional A regex pattern to use to exclude :class:`.Group`\\s. The :func:`` function is used to compare the `exclude` regex pattern with the `name` of each :class:`.Group`. If there is a match, the :class:`.Group` is not yielded. include : :class:`str`, optional A regex pattern to use to include :class:`.Group`\\s. The :func:`` function is used to compare the `include` regex pattern with the `name` of each :class:`.Group`. If there is a match, the :class:`.Group` is yielded. flags : :class:`int`, optional Regex flags that are passed to :func:`re.compile`. Yields ------ :class:`Group` The filtered :class:`.Group`\\s based on the `exclude` and `include` regex patterns. The `exclude` pattern has more precedence than the `include` pattern if there is a conflict. """ e = False if exclude is None else re.compile(exclude, flags=flags) i = False if include is None else re.compile(include, flags=flags) for obj in self._mapping.values(): if self.is_group(obj): if e and continue if i and not continue yield obj
[docs] def descendants(self): """Get all descendant (children) :class:`.Group`\\s of this :class:`.Group`. Yields ------ :class:`.Group` The descendants of this :class:`.Group`. """ for obj in self._mapping.values(): if self.is_group(obj): yield obj
[docs] def ancestors(self): """Get all ancestor (parent) :class:`.Group`\\s of this :class:`.Group`. Yields ------ :class:`.Group` The ancestors of this :class:`.Group`. """ parent = self.parent while parent is not None: yield parent parent = parent.parent
[docs] def add_group(self, name, group): """Add a :class:`Group`. Automatically creates the ancestor :class:`Group`\\s if they do not exist. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` The name of the new :class:`Group` to add. group : :class:`Group` The :class:`Group` to add. The :class:``\\s and :class:`` that are contained within the `group` will be copied. """ if not isinstance(group, Group): raise TypeError('Must pass in a Group object, got {!r}'.format(group)) name = '/' + name.strip('/') if not group: # no sub-Groups or Datasets, only add the Metadata self.create_group(name +, **group.metadata.copy()) return for key, vertex in group.items(): n = name + key if self.is_group(vertex): self.create_group(n, read_only=vertex.read_only, **vertex.metadata.copy()) else: # must be a Dataset self.create_dataset( n, read_only=vertex.read_only,, **vertex.metadata.copy() )
[docs] def create_group(self, name, read_only=None, **metadata): """Create a new :class:`Group`. Automatically creates the ancestor :class:`Group`\\s if they do not exist. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` The name of the new :class:`Group`. read_only : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to create this :class:`Group` in read-only mode. If :data:`None` then uses the mode for this :class:`Group`. **metadata Key-value pairs that are used to create the :class:`` for this :class:`Group`. Returns ------- :class:`Group` The new :class:`Group` that was created. """ read_only, metadata = self._check(read_only, **metadata) name, parent = self._create_ancestors(name, read_only) return Group(name, parent, read_only, **metadata)
[docs] def require_group(self, name, read_only=None, **metadata): """Require that a :class:`Group` exists. If the :class:`Group` exists then it will be returned if it does not exist then it is created. Automatically creates the ancestor :class:`Group`\\s if they do not exist. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` The name of the :class:`Group`. read_only : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to return the :class:`Group` in read-only mode. If :data:`None` then uses the mode for this :class:`Group`. **metadata Key-value pairs that are used as :class:`` for this :class:`Group`. Returns ------- :class:`Group` The :class:`Group` that was created or that already existed. """ name = '/' + name.strip('/') group_name = name if self.parent is None else + name for group in self.groups(): if == group_name: if read_only is not None: group.read_only = read_only group.add_metadata(**metadata) return group return self.create_group(name, read_only=read_only, **metadata)
[docs] def add_dataset(self, name, dataset): """Add a :class:``. Automatically creates the ancestor :class:`Group`\\s if they do not exist. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` The name of the new :class:`` to add. dataset : :class:`` The :class:`` to add. The :class:`` and the :class:`` are copied. """ if not isinstance(dataset, Dataset): raise TypeError('Must pass in a Dataset object, got {!r}'.format(dataset)) name = '/' + name.strip('/') self.create_dataset( name, read_only=dataset.read_only,, **dataset.metadata.copy() )
[docs] def create_dataset(self, name, read_only=None, **kwargs): """Create a new :class:``. Automatically creates the ancestor :class:`Group`\\s if they do not exist. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` The name of the new :class:``. read_only : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to create this :class:`` in read-only mode. If :data:`None` then uses the mode for this :class:`Group`. **kwargs Key-value pairs that are passed to :class:``. Returns ------- :class:`` The new :class:`` that was created. """ read_only, kwargs = self._check(read_only, **kwargs) name, parent = self._create_ancestors(name, read_only) return Dataset(name, parent, read_only, **kwargs)
[docs] def require_dataset(self, name, read_only=None, **kwargs): """Require that a :class:`` exists. If the :class:`` exists then it will be returned if it does not exist then it is created. Automatically creates the ancestor :class:`Group`\\s if they do not exist. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` The name of the :class:``. read_only : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to create this :class:`` in read-only mode. If :data:`None` then uses the mode for this :class:`Group`. **kwargs Key-value pairs that are passed to :class:``. Returns ------- :class:`` The :class:`` that was created or that already existed. """ name = '/' + name.strip('/') dataset_name = name if self.parent is None else + name for dataset in self.datasets(): if == dataset_name: if read_only is not None: dataset.read_only = read_only if kwargs: # only add the kwargs that should be Metadata for kw in ['shape', 'dtype', 'buffer', 'offset', 'strides', 'order', 'data']: kwargs.pop(kw, None) dataset.add_metadata(**kwargs) return dataset return self.create_dataset(name, read_only=read_only, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_dataset_logging(self, name, dataset_logging): """Add a :class:``. Automatically creates the ancestor :class:`Group`\\s if they do not exist. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` The name of the new :class:`` to add. dataset_logging : :class:`` The :class:`` to add. The :class:`` and the :class:`` are copied. """ if not isinstance(dataset_logging, DatasetLogging): raise TypeError('Must pass in a DatasetLogging object, got {!r}'.format(dataset_logging)) name = '/' + name.strip('/') self.create_dataset_logging( name, level=dataset_logging.level, attributes=dataset_logging.attributes, logger=dataset_logging.logger, date_fmt=dataset_logging.date_fmt,, **dataset_logging.metadata.copy() )
[docs] def create_dataset_logging(self, name, level='INFO', attributes=None, logger=None, date_fmt=None, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`` that handles :mod:`logging` records. Automatically creates the ancestor :class:`Group`\\s if they do not exist. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` A name to associate with the :class:``. level : :class:`int` or :class:`str`, optional The :ref:`logging level <levels>` to use. attributes : :class:`list` or :class:`tuple` of :class:`str`, optional The :ref:`attribute names <logrecord-attributes>` to include in the :class:`` for each :ref:`logging record <log-record>`. If :data:`None` then uses ``asctime``, ``levelname``, ``name``, and ``message``. logger : :class:`~logging.Logger`, optional The :class:`~logging.Logger` that the :class:`` object will be added to. If :data:`None` then it is added to the ``root`` :class:`~logging.Logger`. date_fmt : :class:`str`, optional The :class:`~datetime.datetime` :ref:`format code <strftime-strptime-behavior>` to use to represent the ``asctime`` :ref:`attribute <logrecord-attributes>` in. If :data:`None` then uses the ISO 8601 format ``'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'``. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments are passed to :class:``. The default behaviour is to append every :ref:`logging record <log-record>` to the :class:``. This guarantees that the size of the :class:`` is equal to the number of :ref:`logging records <log-record>` that were added to it. However, this behaviour can decrease the performance if many :ref:`logging records <log-record>` are added often because a copy of the data in the :class:`` is created for each :ref:`logging record <log-record>` that is added. You can improve the performance by specifying an initial size of the :class:`` by including a `shape` or a `size` keyword argument. This will also automatically create additional empty rows in the :class:``, that is proportional to the size of the :class:``, if the size of the :class:`` needs to be increased. If you do this then you will want to call :meth:`` before writing :class:`` to a file or interacting with the data in :class:`` to remove the extra rows that were created. Returns ------- :class:`` The :class:`` that was created. Examples -------- >>> import logging >>> from import JSONWriter >>> logger = logging.getLogger('my_logger') >>> root = JSONWriter() >>> log_dset = root.create_dataset_logging('log') >>>'hi') >>> logger.error('cannot do that!') >>> array([(..., 'INFO', 'my_logger', 'hi'), (..., 'ERROR', 'my_logger', 'cannot do that!')], dtype=[('asctime', 'O'), ('levelname', 'O'), ('name', 'O'), ('message', 'O')]) Get all ``ERROR`` :ref:`logging records <log-record>` >>> errors = log_dset[log_dset['levelname'] == 'ERROR'] >>> print(errors) [(..., 'ERROR', 'my_logger', 'cannot do that!')] Stop the :class:`` object from receiving :ref:`logging records <log-record>` >>> log_dset.remove_handler() """ read_only, metadata = self._check(False, **kwargs) name, parent = self._create_ancestors(name, read_only) if attributes is None: # if the default attribute names are changed then update the `attributes` # description in the docstring of create_dataset_logging() and require_dataset_logging() attributes = ['asctime', 'levelname', 'name', 'message'] if date_fmt is None: # if the default date_fmt is changed then update the `date_fmt` # description in the docstring of create_dataset_logging() and require_dataset_logging() date_fmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f' return DatasetLogging(name, parent, level=level, attributes=attributes, logger=logger, date_fmt=date_fmt, **metadata)
[docs] def require_dataset_logging(self, name, level='INFO', attributes=None, logger=None, date_fmt=None, **kwargs): """Require that a :class:`` exists for handling :mod:`logging` records. If the :class:`` exists then it will be returned if it does not exist then it is created. Automatically creates the ancestor :class:`Group`\\s if they do not exist. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` A name to associate with the :class:``. level : :class:`int` or :class:`str`, optional The :ref:`logging level <levels>` to use. attributes : :class:`list` or :class:`tuple` of :class:`str`, optional The :ref:`attribute names <logrecord-attributes>` to include in the :class:`` for each :ref:`logging record <log-record>`. If the :class:`` exists and if `attributes` are specified, and they do not match those of the existing :class:``, then a :exc:`ValueError` is raised. If :data:`None` and the :class:`` does not exist then uses ``asctime``, ``levelname``, ``name``, and ``message``. logger : :class:`~logging.Logger`, optional The :class:`~logging.Logger` that the :class:`` object will be added to. If :data:`None` then it is added to the ``root`` :class:`~logging.Logger`. date_fmt : :class:`str`, optional The :class:`~datetime.datetime` :ref:`format code <strftime-strptime-behavior>` to use to represent the ``asctime`` :ref:`attribute <logrecord-attributes>` in. If :data:`None` then uses the ISO 8601 format ``'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'``. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments are passed to :class:``. The default behaviour is to append every :ref:`logging record <log-record>` to the :class:``. This guarantees that the size of the :class:`` is equal to the number of :ref:`logging records <log-record>` that were added to it. However, this behaviour can decrease the performance if many :ref:`logging records <log-record>` are added often because a copy of the data in the :class:`` is created for each :ref:`logging record <log-record>` that is added. You can improve the performance by specifying an initial size of the :class:`` by including a `shape` or a `size` keyword argument. This will also automatically create additional empty rows in the :class:``, that is proportional to the size of the :class:``, if the size of the :class:`` needs to be increased. If you do this then you will want to call :meth:`` before writing :class:`` to a file or interacting with the data in :class:`` to remove the extra rows that were created. Returns ------- :class:`` The :class:`` that was created or that already existed. """ name = '/' + name.strip('/') dataset_name = name if self.parent is None else + name for dataset in self.datasets(): if == dataset_name: if ('logging_level' not in dataset.metadata) or \ ('logging_level_name' not in dataset.metadata) or \ ('logging_date_format' not in dataset.metadata): raise ValueError('The required Dataset was found but it is not used for logging') if attributes and (dataset.dtype.names != tuple(attributes)): raise ValueError('The attribute names of the existing ' 'logging Dataset are {} which does not equal {}' .format(dataset.dtype.names, tuple(attributes))) if isinstance(dataset, DatasetLogging): return dataset # replace the existing Dataset with a new DatasetLogging object meta = dataset.metadata.copy() data = # remove the existing Dataset from its descendants, itself and its ancestors groups = tuple(self.descendants()) + (self,) + tuple(self.ancestors()) for group in groups: for dset in group.datasets(): if dset is dataset: key = '/' + del group._mapping[key] # temporarily make this Group not in read-only mode original_read_only_mode = bool(self._read_only) self._read_only = False kwargs.update(meta) dset = self.create_dataset_logging(name, level=level, attributes=data.dtype.names, logger=logger, date_fmt=meta.logging_date_format, data=data, **kwargs) self._read_only = original_read_only_mode return dset return self.create_dataset_logging(name, level=level, attributes=attributes, logger=logger, date_fmt=date_fmt, **kwargs)
[docs] def remove(self, name): """Remove a :class:`Group` or a :class:``. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` The name of the :class:`Group` or :class:`` to remove. Returns ------- :class:`Group`, :class:`` or :data:`None` The :class:`Group` or :class:`` that was removed or :data:`None` if there was no :class:`Group` or :class:`` with the specified `name`. """ name = '/' + name.strip('/') return self.pop(name, None)
def _check(self, read_only, **kwargs): self._raise_if_read_only() kwargs.pop('parent', None) if read_only is None: return self._read_only, kwargs return read_only, kwargs def _create_ancestors(self, name, read_only): # automatically create the ancestor Groups if they do not already exist names = name.strip('/').split('/') parent = self for n in names[:-1]: if n not in parent: parent = Group(n, parent, read_only) else: parent = parent[n] return names[-1], parent